Will Virtual Desksides Become the New Norm in Post-Covid PR?
By Kerry Haggerty Petrocelli
The coronavirus has the world working from home, but here at Victory PR working from home isn’t new. We’ve always been a mostly remote workforce with clients based across the nation and employees based around the tri-state. However, we’re no more than a quick train ride or car ride away from NYC, home to most of our media colleagues and friends.
In normal circumstances we meet regularly with media members in New York City for editorial “deskside meetings,” which is exactly what they sound like - we meet them in person, at their desk for a meeting about a client’s new launch, or the latest news they have to discuss. New York City is an epicenter of the virus and that wasn’t an option this time around, so we decided to take things virtual and set up a few “virtual desksides” to discuss our product clients.
In order to best replicate a normal meeting, we sent product ahead of time so we could walk through each item. We also sent breakfast from each person’s favorite local spot, while we enjoyed something similar. For example, we surprised Lisa DeSantis, the Deputy Beauty Director at Real Simple & Health Magazines with almond butter toast and a juice from a local restaurant called Real Food, Real People. Since she is quarantining near my home, I was able to enjoy the same thing, really making it feel like we were meeting together!
Although virtual desksides took some getting used to, there are some clear benefits that I think might remain even as we open up. We’re eager to integrate new practices that will lead to greater flexibility, connection, and convenience in a post-COVID world and I wanted to see how our media colleagues felt about the phenomenon of virtual desksides.
Check out my conversation with Lisa DeSantis, Deputy Beauty Director at Real Simple + Health Magazines below to hear what she thinks about it:
VPR: There is a continuous debate in the PR world as to whether or not desksides are dead. What are your thoughts?
Lisa: Considering how many I’m doing a day, I wouldn’t say they’re dead at all— they’re very much alive. Originally when all of this started, everyone cancelled desksides out of respect and uncertainty but that all picked back up over the last few weeks. I actually think there’s going to need to be some pushback in regards to how many desksides editors are able to take because without the barrier for travel and other scheduling issues, it’s much easier for brands to want to meet for every new product launch and even for updates in between, so I think there’s going to have to be some sort of adjustment as far as what really warrants a meeting. Editors and publicists both also have other things going on at home, too, so while they don’t have the excuse of being OOO or at an event, they have other reasons that desksides may not be as easy to take.
VPR: Have you been taking a lot of virtual meetings during COVID?
Lisa: Yes, usually two a day, with many days having more than that.
VPR: Before COVID, did you take a lot of deskside meetings? Why or Why not?
Lisa: Yes, I have always been generous with my time when it comes to desksides, even when that made it harder for me to get any work done at my desk. I like to keep my finger on the pulse at all times as far as newness and find that the best way to do that is to meet with brands.
VPR: Do you see yourself continuing with virtual meetings post-COVID? Or Do you prefer to meet in person? Why or why not?
Lisa: Yes, I think that this is the new norm. Even when we are back in our office, there are going to be very strict guidelines as far as who can be there even if they’re on staff, so I don’t see there being any visitors allowed for a long time. I don’t mind meeting virtually, especially if it’s for our health. I do have a preference of meeting with other editors on the call, though. I think the best use of everybody’s time is not to have one on one meetings and instead to have the brand conduct them as a presentation with editors able to ask questions if needed and I like that in that case, there’s not as much pressure to leave our cameras on, etc.
VPR: If a PR person or brand requests a virtual meeting post-COVID would you take it?
Lisa: Yes. Of course everything is going to depend on what’s going on, though. If we’re all back in the office, it’s not going to be as easy for all of us to be conducting virtual desksides at the same time.